Wait wait wait, did you just say that Grozny isn't safe to visit ? Some terrorism activities are going on there ? If you think like that, get out of here now and don't waste your time please. I don't want to mean rude but it's my certain feeling about that. I've knew like that. I totally understand you.
Of course if you just read articles on the internet, watch only TV shows and you pay attention rumors then you might probably have a bad scenario about Chechnya. Don't worry ! it's still part of Russian Federation and it's safe to visit as much as safe like other cities in Russia. Yeah there're some control points before get to there but it takes only 10 - 20 minutes maximum. Other hand everything was okay to me.
Maybe you think like that what the heck makes you write like this even you've just been there only 3 days as simple tourist not a strong traveler. But my man you know you see stuffs with your own eyes and you can make a decision alright. I'm ready to say that, being in Grozny as a tourist is pretty normal and nothing is happening outside whick makes you feel worried. There's no war and people don't stare at you so weird.What I can say only one thing about war, I was really surprised that after war how this province well grew. I'll tell you step by step but if possible for you, spare some time to other provinces to meet natural there. All my experiences come from heart of Grozny. But it's still valuable to read what you say ? let's start...
Hi dear reader, thank you for reading this blog and I'll try to give you something you'll need in the future. It's my first point that, you'll also be able to use this article as useful. Here we go !
I'm going to Grozny from Rostov on Don by bus and it's pretty okay. It took 10 hours and We arrived to bus station (автовокзал in Russian).
Don't forget to say to driver that you'll need where to go or you keep going till last stop. It's a bit problem to speak English but be prepared to know some Russian. It's not so difficult as you imagine and learn some words you'll use during there ;) There're so many short videos about it on YouTube and don't give me excuses ! You can walk city center by walking or there're some taxis you can take there. Unfortunately I was unable to use UBER there but still there are taxis. Oh man today is friday and it's holy day for Muslims. Let me run, it would be very interesting to catch "Friday Pray" in a foreign country. I was a little late but I had time to take abdest. What I say that, there's hot water you can use and it's a perfect something while you traveling. It's available for women and men to use toilet and fountain of heart of the mosque. It doesn't charge you.
At least I could take this photo.
I immediately need accommodation to stay. I found a hostel where is close to other places I'll visit.
It's 5 minutes far away from mosque and per night is 450 Ruble (almost 7 $). It was clean and comfortable to stay. if you're starving Merci Baku welcomes you. I'm taking some rest, see you a few hours later.
Again what ! I'm really thrilled to meet new people and this guy on the photo comes to Grozny as much as possible every year. We just met in the hostel and got to know each other enough well. I'm just glad to meet you my dear big brother.
It's zhizhig galnash (жижиг галнаш in Russian alphabet) When I like something I also look at pros and cons but this'll be one of the biggest reasons to visit Grozny again.
If you're a Muslim and then it's difficult to eat in a foreign place but Chechnya destroyed this worry in my heart. I give you 11 star out of 10 and yeah I've already belly :)
My new friend shows me around and tells me what he knows. What takes my attention is also buildings. They seem to luxury and regular in the city. I end up shortly my first day.
Second Day
What I had dinner yesterday, I'm still not feeling hungry. It's very strong a dish. I'm leaving hostel to discover this lovely city and I caught this nice shot even I'm not a professional photographer.
Avenue is huge and it gives you freedom walking.
Store (магазин) ? I didn't come here to make shopping. Give a try yourself !
Thank you so much for giving me this oppurtunity. Anymore I've also a photo with Eiffel Tower !
Let's see how many countries I've been to. I'm still at the beginning of the road...
A Turkish Company just makes me smile because I can't wear Damat products until I earn more than enough.
It's not my cup of the. I rather prefer to eat traditional dishes.
What I see there ? Something will be interesting for me to know.
If you know Russian and it's perfect to have a great time in the theater. Book your place on the phone !
Some days museums are good location to learn about that territory.
It's located in front of museum and I've no idea about this monument. If you know what it is, could you tell me in the comments please ?
It's working time. Off day is Monday.
Don't forget to show your Student Card if you're student. It helps you buy cheaper ticket. Ticket is 80 Ruble.
National Museum of Chechen Republic shows me not only unique objects also there are some paintings.
Design of this museum is logical. You start first with antiques then going on paintings and finally end up about II World War informations with correspondence relations between countries.
Good old days when you don't have social media or any communication channel. Speaking face to face is the best of communication and listening with feelings...
What is that supposed to mean ? I don't like guns they're even toys. But there should be a deep meaning of this painting. Am I wrong ?
I've dozens of photos I've taken from this museum.
Men with traditional clothes. It has a strong appearance in my opinion.
It's good oppurtunity to see other sights in one photo. There's a woman who works in the museum. She tells you about everything you need but Russian. I forgot to ask she knows English.
It's enough ! Take your photos there or it'll be less interesting for you to see magic.
Now it's time to take some rest and make a plan. What a warm weather today.
It's time to write my day during they're fresh.
This library is just 3 minutes far away from museum as you see. It's national Library of Republic of Chechnya.
But what confuses me that, it wasn't opened that day and I couldn't find someone around there to know why. Maybe a special day for Republic of Chechnya. Libraries also show you how a country values its education.
I can smell delicious food on the street and it's whispering me.
Weather makes me feel top on the moon today ! I've a bad luck about weather when I travel somewhere but not today.
Per dish is 100 Rubley not even 2 $. It's guarantee I'll get fat.
It's more delicious than it looks like. There's no difference to offer any food. Every food is much better than one.
(Oh holy sh*t, I'm gonna cook tonight before I go to sleep.)
Yes you're right, I'm so energetic a person right now and you can read it on my face. This photo I'll share on Instagram. I loved it, I rather love myself 🤣
Something is happening there and as I guessed today is an important day to Chechens (23.03.2019)
Don't let this photo think it'll be darkness at nights. It's just an illusion.
There's another museum around heart of mosque and let's have new experience.
"We Chechens want to be equal among equals" is written as I could translate to English.
It's very sensitive an issue that, blind people also are able to read what it is written there. Ticket is 70 Ruble.
It's "Gosuderstvennaya Galerija Akhmad Kadyrov".
Yeah guys, we came here to discuss an important topic.
I'm sure it would be gone as a serious topic. Akhmad Kadyrov and Vladimir Putin together in this photo.
Which one is your side ? Are you bad inside of good or good inside of bad ? You don't know what kind of man you've became until you reach it very end... It was also confusing for me to hear first time. It's called "Yin Yang" a Chinese philosophy.
Haha I don't use both of them each other.
Even for me it is too much to see all art in one day. I know somewhere I can relax.
It's too long way to complete but I already did it.
Where is my Havva ? No Fear ! This is also for singles. At least I was there.
What a brilliant idea to build this. It's really colorful and makes you feel lovely.
Not for only couples, including kids to have good time. This is Flower Park.
I reward myself with corn. I still remember its tasty and costed me 140 Ruble big one.
I'm actually having great time and I even made a short video in Russian. You can watch it on my Instagram account and see how much grateful I'm. When food and weather is good both, I don't need anything else. Okay I've taken some notes and it's time to pray. There's a church where is close to Flower Park. I try my chance everywhere to pray man.
I'm so lucky today. I caught to see a ceremony which was happening inside of church. Thre'll be security to make sure you don't bring something wrong into church or temple. I'm not sure what it is exactly but it's worth to visit even you're a Muslim. You can buy some gifts, souvenirs to make your friends, family happy.
It's "Church of Archangel Michael".
Let's take a selfie !
Parks are a big part of my traveling. It's free, you take some rest, if you push your chance, you can even hear birds songs.
A guy who is orginally from Azerbaijan. We had a blast talking under the sun as usual.
As I mentioned above, it's much better at nights.
I'm finally meeting a guy who invited me to meet. We met on Couchsurfing which is a site you can find locals, hosts there. Meeting people during my trip is the biggest reason to travel countries, cities. Because I can actually find Chechny food in Istanbul or I can take souvenirs from Russia if I request one of my friends. But I'll never be able to understand how people live together, what looks like their culture, how they communicate each other. What are pros and cons of living there ? etc.
I always push myself to speak with locals (including questions I already know) and this guy just made my day better than visiting museums if I stay honest. His name is Islam and he's just great as his name. He's English teacher and I couldn't see a strong Russian accent while he was speaking English. Please don't misunderstand me but Russian speakers have a strong accent and it's certain to separate she/he's a Russian speaker. It's okay for me, I'm also a Russian learner who likes slangs in Russian.
I don't like when someone offers me something even we've never met before but he didn't let me pay mine. Speaking Russian with worker didn't work. People in Chechnya speak their mother tonque which is Chechen language, he said something to girl that she didn't take my money 😂
Photo explains everything you need to know. This time I don't feel like I need to tell what we have done together. Thank you man. Second day was also incredible. Let's separate some for last day.
Third day, Last day or What ?
Which one looks nicer ? Above or below ? Let me know what you think in the comments please.
I'm going to same cafe to have breakfast. We Turks really spend having time at breakfast and we don't simply skip it. But what I've learnt from traveling, some nations just ignore with lightweight stuffs. It's most important meal to start your day. Have breakfast as you wish but it's still something I really value.
You know what, I'm now cooking buckwheat (гречка in Russian) in my kitchen Baku 😥
Again Islam invited me to have a cup of tea during his break time. How generous !
This place is behind of Way Park building which is shopping center. It's much cheaper and as I learned from him, workers go to there to have lunch, dinner. There's no big difference for tasty between them.
If you're a traveler and pocket decides where to go and then it's good place to start.
This is shopping center where I'll come back for dinner. It's located just 10 minutes far away from Church of Archangel Michael.
Today is my last day and I'm not in rush. I've enough visited places I could and I'll be to only one museum and randomly walking on the streets. Here we go, I'm going to Akhmad Kadyrova Museum from there. It's pretty a long way to walk. It suits me. I'm on my way, my hands are in my pocket, the weather is getting cloudy and it might rain tonight as I guess.
Photos on my way. I don't know yet what it is happening inside of this building.
You don't have to know every corner of a country. Try to enjoy as much as you can.
Oh my god, what I see here. Guess who he is, he was president of Republic of Azerbaijan. His name is Heydar Aliyev and Chechnes made an honour for Azerbaijanis.
Are you ready to go inside ?
Be prepared anytime. Life is unpredictable and it shoots you when you're unprepared.
I didn't get my driver license yet.
But I can drive this machine without permission.
I'm in Akhmad Kadytov Museum and welcomes you this woman who walks on the snow.
Welcome to home son,
- It's my pleasure to meet you Grand Father.
Do I know you somewhere sir ?
Yes she is a natural beatiful Chechen woman.
Finally a woman smiles me and I'm again top of the moon. I'm grateful that who painted this unbelievable portrait.
I don't want to see you in the darkness.
It looks so glory !
There're some clothes, daily stuffs Akhmad Kadyrov used routine life as I see.
Price is around 1 $ and yeah it's worth to visit for sure.
I'm giving you working hours which you won't be late.
This small shopping store for souvenirs makes you feel confused which one you buy. I bought more than I would think. It's just 5 minutes far away from Akhmad Kadyrov Museum.
Last meal in Grozny for now. My mouth was still smelling garlic when I was home :)
There're somethings I want to mention here.
1) I accept that, this blog was kind of a rush work but 2 days ago I gave last exam and I'm free now for a while. I don't like to do anything in rush but don't forget to give me feedback. It's really valuable for me.
2) I travel alone and randomly walking on the streets. For sure I have always plan B but I don't actually even use plan A :) I don't have to go to every corner I do research or people suggest me. I select some of them and make my own valuable plan.
3) I'm really happy to visit in Grozny and I'll go back to again one day.
4) Listen, I write my blog without a plan yet, and don't think too much. That time what I feel, I use my imagination as well.
5) I'll try to be better next days because I don't like to stay at same level always. I'm doing my best in moment and it's really difficult to handle everything during you're a student at university.
6) There're some mistakes in English but I don't care. I didn't take a Royal English. I'm just an independent learner who learns English and Russian on his own at the same time.
7) You don't have to learn everything but who said it's essential ? Enjoy your time during you travel as much as you can. I know that, I sometimes piss of when I get problem. But don't let anything/anybody take your happiness at trip. After years, you'll just smile what piss you off actually.
8) At the end of the day, you'll sleep with wisdom and wake up to a new world. the most important thing is "go with the flow"...
9) Don't forget to bring an extra battery for mobile phone !
See you next time if I am still alive.