Russia ? That sounds great man !
Hey friends, today is the day I'm kicking out one of the unnecessary things from my life. Yeah it's called "procrastination". I know this pretty well, it isn't easy to stop procrastinating in the real life. I'm still a good example for that. Because of I haven't yet written anything about Kiev in Ukraine even I've been there 7 months ago but as a man after Russia, I'll be posting it. Trust me !
My experiences are already fresh and you're lucky to read them here. During this small journey, I've learned some wisdom and I'm ready to share it with you. I'm not selfish at all not this time :)
It's that, I'm supposed to live in the present and do my best in the moment. I figured it out while watching out of the window in train.
No worries, I will try to not waste your time while you reading this post and serve you my best. There're things I need to write here to be certain for readers.
Why Russia ?
Of course it's a question I have to explain because I'm citizen of Turkey and visa costed me really expensive. We still need Russia Visa to get there. Now I'm not going to tell you how I got Russia Visa and what I did while process going on. But I like to give you some tips if you want to have any visa when you're in Embassy of any country you want to visit. Here it is,
1) Be certain to why you exactly visit there like tourism, studying there, business etc. I got tourism visa, that's why it's up to tourism.
2) Make a plan like,
a) Where will you stay ?
b) How many days will you be there ?
c) Do you think to visit other regions ? If yes, please don't forget to ask that you need to register somewhere.
d) If you're not speaking the language of country you'll travel, don't hesitate to speak at your first language.
I was trying to speak Russian at Embassy of Russia in Baku and I misunderstood some stuffs. But that's totally okay because I felt ready to get there.
e) Learn how much it will cost you this all documents once! I don't like to be surprised about money.
f) If you have a friend who got that visa, ask him/her what to do.
g) If you're going there as a tourist, don't be scared of process. Just think like this, you'll spend money there, take photos, eat traditional food etc. Be free, you've all right.
h) If there is something is in your mind, embassy is a good place to ask.
j) If you have any relative or friend there, invitation might make process faster than usual.
3) The most important thing I want you to do, "HAVE AN APPOINTMENT BEFORE YOU GO TO EMBASSY AND LOOK AT THE DOCUMENTS WHAT YOU WILL NEED". You don't find everything on the internet and Embassy is the best place you can take information.
Yes, you're right I will extend this blog as long as I can. I've new experience that I've never had before and I want you to know them and not repeat simple mistakes.
"In the life you don't have to necessarily make mistakes people mostly do. You can turn this as your advantage and you jumb longer. This is one of the biggest reason I started running this blog. Maybe in the future or present people give me feedback why not ?"
1) Be certain to why you exactly visit there like tourism, studying there, business etc. I got tourism visa, that's why it's up to tourism.
2) Make a plan like,
a) Where will you stay ?
b) How many days will you be there ?
c) Do you think to visit other regions ? If yes, please don't forget to ask that you need to register somewhere.
d) If you're not speaking the language of country you'll travel, don't hesitate to speak at your first language.
I was trying to speak Russian at Embassy of Russia in Baku and I misunderstood some stuffs. But that's totally okay because I felt ready to get there.
e) Learn how much it will cost you this all documents once! I don't like to be surprised about money.
f) If you have a friend who got that visa, ask him/her what to do.
g) If you're going there as a tourist, don't be scared of process. Just think like this, you'll spend money there, take photos, eat traditional food etc. Be free, you've all right.
h) If there is something is in your mind, embassy is a good place to ask.
j) If you have any relative or friend there, invitation might make process faster than usual.
3) The most important thing I want you to do, "HAVE AN APPOINTMENT BEFORE YOU GO TO EMBASSY AND LOOK AT THE DOCUMENTS WHAT YOU WILL NEED". You don't find everything on the internet and Embassy is the best place you can take information.
Yes, you're right I will extend this blog as long as I can. I've new experience that I've never had before and I want you to know them and not repeat simple mistakes.
"In the life you don't have to necessarily make mistakes people mostly do. You can turn this as your advantage and you jumb longer. This is one of the biggest reason I started running this blog. Maybe in the future or present people give me feedback why not ?"
I live in Baku Azerbaijan as a senior at university and every March of year there's a holiday which is going in Turkic Countries also. It's called "Nowruz". It means this year almost 10 days I'll have. As a student money and time decide where I can go freely. I've been dreaming about how people live other countries for years and I started my first trip to Iran. It was extraordinary experience for me to understand people. I didn't want it to be end. I'm still aspiring to travel more and apply my knowledge into reality.
This time I'm going to be traveling a country which I've been studying their mother tongue. Yeah, this is the main topic to travel Russia. I've been learning Russian on and off (including 7 months with a course) at home for over 2 years. It's very most important a topic for me to mention here. You know, if you're struggling about money and you aren't able to go to a language course or you don't live in a country where people speak the language you learn and then it is hard to know you speak this language confidently or not.
I made a video about why I learn Russian if it interest you, you can click it in the link.
как я начал изучать русский язык и почему я учу русский ?
ура !
The reasons are obvious, to make new friends, to eat new food, to get out of comfort zone, to immerse myself on the streets as a local, to try to help someone I can and I don't need to talk about "Russian Girls" :) It's not the main topic but I can count that.
Come on man, I wrote a lot things even I didn't already get started about journey but it's essential to know, so it's time to start.
It was the first time for me to use train as a long way. It's over 30 hours and I wish to mention what I did during this time. I bought an economic ticket to Rostov on Don from Baku in Azerbaijan. As you see on the photo I bring some food with me. I was enough prepared but it could be better. Anyway next time I do it better. I don't know what type of breakfast you eat but highly recommended eggs or you can have lunch, dinner at the break times. I prefer to eat what I made, because I know what is it made from and I don't want to get a stomachache in the train.
Please, learn where you will sleep. It was a bit uncomfortable stuff for me to sleep up. I'm enough tall of averaged and it was a new challenge. Next time I won't want to challenge it.
Second the most important thing is communication. If you travel alone and don't know anyone else in the train, this is a great time to meet foreigners. They won't be foreigner till you let the words get out of mouth. As you see on the photo I met a kind Russian guy who was going to Roston on Don. Mr. Alexander was one of guys I met in the train.
I just start asking simple questions and If I feel like this can continue and then I just start speaking. You never know how feeling it is until you do it. It was remarkable practice to speak Russian. Unfortunatelly I don't have any partner in my life to speak Russian but that's not a big problem anymore. I got some information about Russia from him and we just had a memorable time each other. Reading book or listening music isn't enough to distract your boring. It makes you feel you safe when you talk to guys in the same cabin. I'm not pushing you something you don't want to do but it's worth to try.
This is a great feeling when you make something reality from Bucket List. I'm feeling so warm. The words sometimes can't describe how you feel when you're top of the moon. I'm not going to write every single detail I've done. There're things you need to handle it alone sometimes.
In the train I bought a simcard that I would have internet, call, even message. It costed me 200 Ruble and I didn't have to register. I just bought it from a man who sells it in the train. Internet is very good in Russia in my opinion. I had 30 GB, 1200 minutes to talk and 300 SMS. Woaw it's very much ! Don't think this as advertising but it's "Beeline" sim card. Every single day it charges you 20 Ruble. It's a good deal. One dolar was equals 62.30 Ruble it changes at the different banks not too much.
This is the first step to land Rostov on Don and I'm at train station. It's exactly close to city center and as usual I'll prefer to get there by walking that I'll be able to discover. My journey has started yet.
It seems to me like cliche but I welcome myself to Rostov on Don :)
On my way What I see ! There's zebra crossing line every corner. This is something I need to be careful

Don't worry ! I'll tell you what it is in the next pages.
I'm really exhausted and going to hostel where I reserved. I need to ask someone where it is and I found a guy to ask.
Thank you sir, Have a nice day as well !
It triggers you to be prepared war anytime ?
I changed 50 $ to Ruble it is 3.200 Ruble, ohh man I can be millionaire if I force myself to change all money I've got.
I finally got hostel. It's located very good a place. It's close to Holy Mother's Birth Cathedral. It's called "Hostel Star Gorod" (хостел старый город in Russian). Per night is 500 Ruble and I found it very clean. The girl who works there was nice. I'll be there for one night then I'll move to somewhere who invited me to stay his home. I actually met him on Couchsurfing and I'm thinking to make a video about what is Couchsurfing ? how should you use it in English ? I'll try my best next weeks.
It's not my weakness, I just get nervous so quickly if I don't have breakfast. Well, I was having some rest at hostel and ate lunch. I'm feeling better to get out now and here we go !
Let me give you some brief cathedral behind back of me. As you can see on th photo renovation is happening there. I didn't get inside of it. There's also a fish bazar right of cathedral where you can buy products.
Holy Mother's Birth Cathedral was constructed between 1854 and 1860 from the model design by Academician of Architecture K.A. Ton. The bell tower was erected in 1875-87 after the plans of the Don-land Army architect and engineer A. Campioni and architect and artist D. V. Lebedev. It's height, the cross included, is making 72.
In the Soviet time the clergy were evicted from the Cathedral territory as an "alien element", which then housed a zoo from 1930 to 1942. The Cathedral itself was used as a storehouse.
Today I'm really exhausted and I'll end up visiting shortly. Yeah I got there.
Rostov is a port city if you look at it on the map. It's Don river and I think you can get other cities from there by boat. Learn it by yourself. I didn't have time to do this because I wouldn't have any plan first time.
I was trying to be brave, get lost on streets and try to avoid using "Google Map". It's new thing for me to do this. I don't want anymore to eat and sleep same place and make a circle around me.
Russians respect their own people who make Russia better. Monuments come with clean parks and it's a good location to take some rest and eat snacks. I'm thinking nothing, just enjoying as much as I can by watching river.
It's time to go to hostel the ways where people are less. Ohh man, I fell asleep immediately. I'll make a plan for tomorrow.
сладких снов !
Second Day in Rostov on Don
Really ? I woke up before alarm ? What is going wrong with me, I don't know it exactly but it could be a new feeling to discover somewhere. I ordered my mind to do its best and hope it works.
A cup of tea is a good beginning for day. I'm making a quick plan for today what to do. It's ready and let's get out here.
Maybe I didn't see with my own eyes but breakfast isn't like in Turkey. There're some small buffets on the way and you buy tea, coffee, perashki and pastries. I didn't like it if I stay honestly. At the breakfast I eat cheese, olive, egg, cucumber, tomato and our Turkish tea but No Problem ! I can overcome this.
Here is my breakfast but No Worries. It's not in my expectations. It's 132 Ruble about 2 $. I keep one for later and let's go man, I didn't come here to sit down. Now I'm going to "Russia Post Office" to send a letter my cousin.
"He got this letter in 2 weeks and it doesn't cost you expensive (43 Ruble postcard, 80 Ruble letter). It's a good way to make your family, relatives or dear friends happy. They might keep it forever and they will remember you as a real friend. It's not like texting a message on social media or gmail. It takes your time, your energy and you need to find where post office is located through I was speaking Russian at office and made them repeat a few times for same things to understand clearly. It's stressful when you misunderstand something. You should consider this all."
I wouldn't yet be in army and I don't have a drive license but who cares, I drive you !
You can see how much serious I'm. Read it in my eyes, I made a plan, I'm coming here at 23:37 PM there will be nobody ! But hold on, where is the key ?
If you were my teacher at primary school, I would be able to become an astronaut in the future but I'm still student at university, worry about the future :(
What is the worst part of my trip is weather. It's still cold and flowers didn't bloom yet. I don't blame anything or anybody about this, I'm just warning you and learned from locals, visit there on May - June etc.
Photos explain how is the weather. You know what, it reminds death and birth. We people live so fast in 21st century and try to do so many things at the same time and then stress never leaves us alone. Thinking like we live as long as we do but never think, death knocks your door once and you good bye.
I saw so many buildings from the past and has a different charisma !
Я вас любил любовь еще, быть может ...
Güzel Rabbim yaratınca sanatını konuşturuyor, MaşAllah bu arada !
This photo even explains itself why so many "Champions" are born in mother Russia.
I promise you Lenin, I'll find where Stalin is. Just give me some time.
Sizin gibiler yüzünden beklentiler hep yüksekte. Lazım mıydı bu sana ?
This is somewhere where people will listen to me when I sing a song ?
It's good to see you again. You bring me good old days.
I wish to see you here in summer where kids run around there.
But my favorite is crushing cars.
Capsule is closed on Monday and Tuesday. As I know there's original stuffs about astronomy.
Here is the price list which you were courious about it.
Yaa ben size ne demiştim ?!
"If your kid is talented and age is between 5 - 12 years old and then her/his picture is here.
It's really a good way to make kids want to paint, draw their dreams, imaginations."
I need energy, let's take a break for a few minutes. There's some small cafes where you can buy dessert, tea, coffee.
Yes, you're right, I'm getting so excited when a beautiful girl looks at me. That's why I first closed left eye to get point 😂 It was 150 Ruble.
I'm sure other seasons are much better where everywhere is colorful.
I'm seeing a place to drink a cup of tea on Google Map. It's pretty luxury place I don't care money today, I came here to enjoy and here we go !
No need to say words ! Keep playing kids.
What the heck is it ? I promise you guys it was one before I touched it 😀
Guys, as a student I need to pay attention where I eat or drink and to be honest I rarely go outside. But this photo still makes me want to get there and spend sometime. Chocolate and coffee costed me 423 Ruble (about 8 $) but it is worth to do it. I spend almost 1 hour there. I was taking my time easy, planning where to go what to do in peaceful. This cofe is called "La Caffeteria" and by the way you can buy gifts where shops are underground.
At nights, you have a different beauty Rostov ! Walking on the silence streets and people still catching some fish.
My friend texted me while I was there and he said that, I'll be home in one hour. Let's walk on the all boulevard. If you're close to river, sea somewhere is really cold at nights, be sure, you don't drink cold anything. It's a good lesson for me and I won't try to not repeat it.
It's time to get home. I'm using "UBER" and I'm meeting the nicest taxi driver I ever known before. It's really a great feeling when you travel somewhere, locals support you in their language and you understand theme.
His name is Dimitry and originally from Belarus. We met on Couchsurfing and he invited me his home during I was in Rostov on Don. He has really interesting a childhood story and I hope you'll find people you metioned. This is something I can't explain you with words. But keep it in mind, when you travel somewhere, stay in touch people as long as you can. You can get some unique informations where you don't find easily on the internet. After having a great conversation I went to room to sleep.
But wait, it isn't going to be easy as you think. No worries, I bought a map and I'm a millionaire then who scares after that all :) Don't forget to bring a small notebook with you. If today my experiences are already fresh I own it to notebook. I write things down when it seems to me necessary. Everything is ready, let me sleep now. See you tomorrow !
Third Day in Rostov on Don
No, thanks. I had breakfast with my host maybe next time. I'm on my way to Park Ostrovskovo (парк островского in Russian) and I'm in.
You gotta kidding me ! It's already 07:15 AM and you're working out ?
What I can say about parks, you see anytime that people run, work out. I don't want to look at myself in front of the mirror right now.
Today is going to be mine. Sun is shining on my face and I'm feeling so energetic because of fresh air.
Just use your imagination how here will be at Spring !
This area is closed till spring as it's written there. Do you want to find out your ninja skills ? It's right place to do it.
Of course, you get hungry and приятного аппетита !
I'm leaving behind park of my back and it is time to pray. I let you read who Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich is.
I didn't notice that, it's an Armenian Church till I got there. The question is supposed to be like that, as a Muslim Turkish Would you want to go there if you would know it's Armenian church ?
It's surrounded by grave.
What has happened to your head ? It doesn't seem to me nice.
It's St. Karapet's Church.
Inside of church looks like this. As usual I bought a candil (20 Ruble) to put it and pray ...
I spent enought time there and let me continue my trip.
Karl Max :) You're really famous a person in Turkey. It's good to see you dear Karl Max ;)
It beats me. I have no idea about this but guards keep watching it quietly.
Another Armenian church. What interest me, those years (1915 - 2015). If I stay away from my identify, it still seems to me ridiculous. Maybe it's somewhere you will want to visit. It's located behind of Karl Max's monument.
Another thing makes me think that, this area is reserved for Armenian People. Because there's no far away between two church and grave but I'm not interested in it right now, I'm starving where is this bazaar ?
You can buy anything you want to eat. I just bought 1 kg banana (70 Ruble) There're products that seems to fresh. Give a try yourself.
I'm totally not interested in political or something like that but in my opinion this name comes from Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. But what I learned from a taxi driver he said that, it belongs to Armenia. If one of us let me know where it's really come from, I would really apperciate it.
I'm getting out of Bazaar and walking randomly on the street. This time I'll see where I'm. No mark on Google Map for now.
Hi kids, I'm taking your photo while you taking mine.
English Bar hımm, but hold on it's closed.
Let's take some rest. I'm curious about what I'll see, something from my cildhood but wishing.
Street art was here.
It's enough to see kids in the park. It's not big as it is.
Let's end up park with this photo.
Someone has any idea ?
From here I can see a new challange for me. Thing I've never done before but I always wanted to do it.
It's slowly returning around itself. This brother knows object and have a look at the prices and rules. It's not hard at all.
You thank me later now keep reading !
I already told you, there's a lot monuments every corner you go.
Are you a museum ? I haven't been any museum in Rostov on Don yet.
I was worried about getting inside or not till I saw you Mr. Sword.
I kept my promise you Lenin. Stalin is here with his friends.
Museum is called Zapovednik M. A. Sholohova
(Музей-заповедник М. А. Шолохова in Russian)
Don't forget to show your Student ID Card ! It costed me 150 Ruble. What you will see, uniforms soldiers used to wear, letters, papers in Russian and folk history which is called Kazak. The guide was explaining everything perfect but in Russian :) It was very difficult for me to understand what is saying but I gave my questions.
I'm not talking about locations because of they are close by walking. You write names down and mark on map. That's all you need to do. My stomach reminds me it's hungry. I don't want to eat "Shaurma" again.
Holy sh*t, you're kidding me I didn't take any photo what I was eating ? Haa because I didn't want to break magic. I had a lunch at "New York Grill Restaurant" and I can say that, I've never felt myself so cool in a restaurant until I paid bill. As I mentioned before nothing terrifies me. During I was in restaurant I was also feeding my smart phone and taking notes what I've done there.
This year I've been seeing church more than mosque. Not this time sorry. Ahh I didn't write its name down because of I didn't get inside of it.
...Evreka I found it, Monument to Elizabeth Petrovna (Памятник Елизавете Петровне in Russian)
I prefer to meeting. Who is up ? I'm here. Come on girls, show me Russian hospitality :) huhu I'm talking to myself ? Again inside voice is talking to itself.
It's close to Don State Public Library and there's a place you can take some rest.
You're seeing girls who are dancing on the public area but I can see this clearly, those girls will be power of Russia and have right to make some decisons about their own country. It's really a great feeling when you feel freedom this ages. I know this how much important is in the life because of I was devoid of this. Even it seems to you a simple dance but it's not at all you see. It screams freedom, they will be ready to make their decions in the future. They will be able to defend rights they have and so many things I can write here.
I didn't forget to buy books there that I will be reading in the next months. 2 books costed me only 65 Ruble or 1$ as a joke. Because one of them is original Lev Tolstoy's book. I'm yet not ready to understand it but I'll do my best to understand it well next year.
Would you like to swim ? Paramonov's Warehouses is right place for you. I didn't bring swimsuit. Count me out !
Arkada sanki iki göz beni dikizler gibi his ettim bir anlığına.
It's time to go to home. Don't forget to buy products for breakfast. Let's taste "Melemen" in Rostov on Don.
Fourth Day in Rostov on Don
I'm in university right now and hearing weird things in the classroom. What's going on at back rows ? Teacher often gets out of classroom and students start speaking so weird o_0 It's so strange man, you can hear every kind of voice here but I'm going to keep completing this blog. Because I'm really determined to do this. Let's begin.
I'm having a self discipline, I can be happy for this today.
It's very famous in Turkey and called "Melemen". I bought tomato, pepper, egg, cucumber, cheese and bread. It was pretty delicous but if you put some spices it would be better. If you're interested in cooking that, I made a simple video for it and watch it on YouTube.
How to make Turkish Menemen in Baku
I don't know she speaks English or not but you take some help from who knows English and you can include price !
It's a simple video but in the next days I'll be posting short videos on YouTube and Instagram about How a Turkish student ends up cooking in Baku Azerbaijan ?
I'm feeling so well and I know somewhere to spend this ultimate energy. I'm going to hippodrome. You think anymore how I am.
I went there by walking. It's been a long time I didn't ride a horse. I like horses. They remind me how we used them in the battle, transport and other stuffs in the past. Now people ride horses like hobby or watching horse racing but I just love it. It's difficult to see horses in the city center.
I don't know she speaks English or not but you take some help from who knows English and you can include price !
Unfortunately it didn't happen. I talked to guys who work there and they said that, trainer isn't here take this card and call her. In 10 minutes I called her twice but didn't pick it up. I can't wait to see other places and now I'm planning to go to "Rostov Zoopark".
Okay I'm using Uber to Rostov Zoopark from hippodrome and paid 150 Ruble.
Okay I'm using Uber to Rostov Zoopark from hippodrome and paid 150 Ruble.
Bizde kendimizi dertli sanardık taki seni dinleyene kadar be abi...
Description is only for local tourists.
Description is only for local tourists.
Ulan ne işler peşindesiniz yine. Ben demedim mi size bir arada takılmayın diye ?
Niye çekiyorsunlan avradı mı 🤬
- Girişine 250 Ruble saydım oraya gelirsem varya senide avradınıda 😈
Geçmiş olsun ağabey Allah kurtarsın kaçıncı cinayetin oldu ?
Don't worry, we aren't free at all as you see. Maybe we kill your spirit like you like to catch your own hunt or you just want to run in the forest but nowdays we have to wake up early to go to work, do things which we exactly don't like, watching movies over and over again and it makes us jealous becaus of we aren't rich as they are or we eat fast food and don't know what to do in the kitchen. It's worst thing we're losing humanity.
Nice posing !
Ağabey bildiğin gibi değil, yanlış anladın sen sakin ol lütfen.
- Kes ulan, biz kahvaltıda kurşun yiyen adamlarız.
Ulen aklıma Fatma Girik'in Boş Beşik filmi geldi bir anlığına, az daha boğazlayacaktım ... siz anladınız orasını.
It took almost one and half of hour. There weren't some animals because of the weather. You might be able to see different animals also in the spring - summer. I enjoyed spending time there. By the way toilet is located right of big gate entrance. It's free of charge but don't forget to bring toilet paper with you !
I'm done at Rostov Zoopark and on my way to "Starocherkasskiy Istoriko Arkhtekturnyy Muzey Zapovednik" by taxi. I did research to get there from Rostov Zoopak but I couldn't find anyhing. I even asked my friend who is from Rostov on Don and she said that, there's no direct transport to go there and I prefered taxi because today is my last day in Rostov on Don and I didn't want to spend my time while looking for transportation. Taxi only costed me 650 Ruble (about 10 $). It takes 40 minutes and I'm watching how drivers carefully drive.
Look, how is the life going around the world ! 6 years ago if somebody would tell me Adem you'll be traveling around the world alone with no hesitaiton, you'll meet foreigners and you'll be speaking English as well as you can in the future and then I would probably say that F*ck off here don't make fun of me. Nowdays I'm turning wishes into the reality I've been dreaming for years.
It took almost one and half of hour. There weren't some animals because of the weather. You might be able to see different animals also in the spring - summer. I enjoyed spending time there. By the way toilet is located right of big gate entrance. It's free of charge but don't forget to bring toilet paper with you !
I'm done at Rostov Zoopark and on my way to "Starocherkasskiy Istoriko Arkhtekturnyy Muzey Zapovednik" by taxi. I did research to get there from Rostov Zoopak but I couldn't find anyhing. I even asked my friend who is from Rostov on Don and she said that, there's no direct transport to go there and I prefered taxi because today is my last day in Rostov on Don and I didn't want to spend my time while looking for transportation. Taxi only costed me 650 Ruble (about 10 $). It takes 40 minutes and I'm watching how drivers carefully drive.
You don't need to make up, I loved you as how you look original.
Hello sir !
Be quite, he's praying.
This is my side to pray.
Home sweet home. How lovely they look like don't they ?
Where are we going now ?
When I use map I get lost :) I better walk randomly.
Are you starving ? Restaurant is right there.
There's something you will tell me ? I'm a good listener.
It wasn't opened and I don't know why.
I'm not writing necessary things about here because of it was a last decision to get there and I was almost alone on the way. There was no one around there I could ask something. By the way there's no bank to get money. Don't trust too much Google Map. It looks like there's atm there but I asked locals and got no answer.
Let's call a taxi on Uber. While it's coming, let me look at somewhere I haven't been there yet.
Simsiyah bir gecenin koynundayım yapayalnız bekliyorum. Duyuyorum, görüyorum bir gün gelecek dönence biliyorum.
Look, how is the life going around the world ! 6 years ago if somebody would tell me Adem you'll be traveling around the world alone with no hesitaiton, you'll meet foreigners and you'll be speaking English as well as you can in the future and then I would probably say that F*ck off here don't make fun of me. Nowdays I'm turning wishes into the reality I've been dreaming for years.
The story is just beginning ...
I'm going to city center and paid 700 Ruble for taxi. Come on I'm going to be chicken. KFC again this is twice in 4 days and I prefer to home mades or soup. But it was pretty delicious I need to mention it special cake with chocolate 😋
I spent enough time outside now it's time to go home. I'll pick up my backpack and say a big thank to Dimitry. I'm really glad to visit this city and learned some wisdom.
"если вы русский, я рад посетить вашу страну. Я надеюсь, что в следующий раз я буду лучше и получу много. Спасибо за чтение этого блога, и вы хотите что-то сказать, не забудьте оставить комментарий."
Let me tell you which I mostly like to see in Rostov on Don
1) Parks, streets exactly everywhere I saw was pretty clean.
2) People don't speak out loud and I only heared car horno a few times.
3) Drivers really pay attention trafffic rules and people wait on the red line till it turns green.
4) You see on the above photo girls who are dancing on the public area then people don't look them weird. They just smile and skip. it's true what I'm saying you here.
5) People of course smoke there special new generation. But what interests me, they often wait at the garbage box until it's gone. I didn't see so much people who smoke while walking on the streets.
6) What is funny for me, girls are more freedom than boys. I witnessed that several times, girls are laughing, speaking confidently and have no fear what they wear. I could see that women, girls were walking at nights alone on the way. I just say Молодец !
7) I'm having a good understanding why Russia is really good at sports. Every possibilty they build public sport instruments.
8) I was speaking poor Russian but people even tried to understand me and explained stuffs I needed.
As a guy who is from Turkey but living in Azerbaijan they just inspired me write those.
Take your journey notebook and write it down which I mostly like to be careful for next trips.
1) If your father isn't a fabricator then money is an essential issue to change well. I'm sure in 30 minutes you can look at the banks rate and you choose which is the best for you. Don't change all money at same place specifically airport, bus stations, It will be lower.
2) Don't forget to bring a journey notebook that you'll be able to write your thoughts about trip. You don't have to necessarily write everything. As I do, I mostly write what really inspires me there. It doesn't have to be luxury notebook or something you see in the films. I bought mine only 2 $.
3) Maps, apps depend on you. But it's good to mark where you'll visit, what is necessary to do there.
4)It's better to know there'll be holidays in the country you'll visit. Because it maybe closed banks, goverment places and others. You can be aggrieved.
5) I usually use Couchsurfing which is a site where you can meet locals. If possible they let you stay for a a few days. Go to Couchsurfing for more. You do research for other meeting apss to meet locals or travelers. You never know some of them will be your good friends. I've had some ;)
6) Try to connect with people. It's unforgettable and best part of my trip.
7) Remember that always, even genious make silly mistakes. I've made some really silly mistakes in my opinion but don't let it make you feel mad. You're somewhere you've never been before and it's okay if you make mistakes. (Except don't break a vase :)
8) If you have a small backpack, you can bring water, fruits. snacks with you.
9) If you're alone traveling and specifically you're a female, avoid walking on the streets after 21:00 PM. For me I'm giving you these advices but mostly don't do it 😂
9) Consider twice how the weather will be at night. If you wear so thin or thick it might be problem for you. be prepared for anything and being sick during journey is one of the worst thing you have.
10) If you have a heavy backpack, find reliable somewhere you can leave it without hesitation. For example bus stations, airport etc. you can rent a cabinet for some time. Traveling with a heavy back pack might kill your passion.
Listen to me closely I'm not a blogger or a strong traveler who can give you some really useful advices about food, visa, places you need to go. I just started traveling 3 years ago alone and you know what, I'm gaining better wisdom while traveling than sit down home and only study lessons. We need to have things to trigger us. I can truly see that, what I'm supposed to do right now and how because of I had a chance to see humanity.
I'm just a simple human but I try to serve my best for anyone. At the end of this blog I'm happy to mention what I wanted to see here. Of course there're some grammer mistakes and including information but I'm being a people human damn it. Again I don't own anything and I don't travel as an expert. I just have some fun, extremely learn new things and catch people's smile on the face (my favorite females :)
I have my own humor and write things as I imagine. I don't except everthing you understand here but who cares. Even a few sentence helped you well, it's my pleasure.
Please it's very important for me what you think and what you can recommend me ! Leave a comment it's not hard at all. Don't skip this. Have a good as well.
Let's go to Grozny this time go go go !!!