Before I get to start writting this, I want you to know two things;
Firstly this trip was unexpected for me and only in 30 hours what I did you'll read.
Secondly I'm glad to read blog of "Rose". Her address is right down, you can get more about Georgia if you don't know where to start or what to do.
Let us begin
In a short time I made a quick plan what to do for sure. I've been to Tbilisi before that's why I didn't go to details. Time is short and you're a foreign student in Azerbaijan. Of course I'm limited by money but I less care it anyhow I've learned how to overcome it.
Shall I begin today ?
If you're in Baku Azerbaijan, every hour of day there is bus goes to Tbilisi directly from Avtovagzal (bus station). Have a look at link, it might help you,
First Day
My bus starts moving at 23:50 PM and we arrived at border almost 08:00 AM. It doesn't take too much to get there by bus but sometimes the border really sucks you. You wait longer than usual. Anyway from Qırmızı Körpü (Red bridge, the border) it takes a half and hour for Tbilisi by bus.
Well, not just in Georgia but all around the world taxi drivers might trick you but at least it would be cheaper than Turkey (although I'm Turk :) I refused to taxi driver for 15 lari to get me hostel I wanted to stay at night.
Of course I've no time to spend in the taxi and miss some beauty of Tbilisi.
My decision proves me how right I'm. I decided to walk randomly during following Khur river and saw some beauties I didn't know yet.
Don't dare to visit every church in Tbilisi or you'll get lose yourself :)
There're as much church in Tbilisi as we have mosques in Istanbul. Maybe I'm overdoing it but I truly recognized that, there're so many church with every kind of.
But I can't wait to see one of my favorites.
As expected from me I'm visiting to Azerbaijan museum there.
If you've never been to Azerbaijan yet then it might be probably a good idea to take a short visit there.
Museum tickets are cheap especially if you've a student card.
Nesimi who was one of the greatest philosopher and his life is tragedy as his death.
He was skinned alive (someone cut off his skin while he was alive). After years people truly recognized that how a great man he was. It happens often in the history, we people don't take enough lessons from past.
Walking on the streets randomly finally reminds me how hungry I'm but I keep myself to eat khinkali somewhere I already know. Let's stay walking.
Every monument has its own meaning and it beats me.
What makes me feel uncomfortable that I didn't plan to get out of Azerbaijan for some unexpected reasons and it forces me to do that. Well I was supposed to pass border and come back to Baku for visa. But I said that to myself if I'm going to spend 20 $ for this sh*t why I don't pay a little more to go to Tbilisi again and take some relax there.
It was worth to do it, because why I refreshed my memories and have been to new places there.
No worries guys, I'll do my best at least I try it. Here we go !
(First photo is taken on January 2017)
Oh really ! What happened to my hairs man only in 2 year ?
(Second photo is taken on October 2019)
I can't find word to write here man, I'm feeling kind of weird right now. Remembering your first pure feelings sometimes make you awkward don't you ?
If you're eager about traveling by walking and then Tbilisi really suits on you. With a plan you can take a long walk to get anywhere by foot. (At least I've done it for myself)
Cuma Mosque is now available as hammam if my eyes don't lie to me.
Would you dare to live those homes ?
It would be great if there would be a stream. I could directly jump to there from balcony.
You buy that lock just 100 meter far away from there and your name stays forever.
For sure you can find more delicious khinkali to eat than this one but I just came here to remind myself good old days...
Please don't try to eat that with fork ! There's a delicious soup inside of it and make a small hool with your teeth then drink first its beauty. You can hold it its thick head. If you didn't anything understand what I wrote here just simply ask the waitress or watch a video about it. It's your choice. Why am I trying to tell you how to eat that, eat as you wish.
It's time to pray and meet dear that monument.
I don't even feel I've a backpack on me after lunch.
It's called Metekhi Church. You'll have a clear view from right there. It's worth to get inside or make a circle around it.
Even I'm strong I might feel better to leave my backpack. I discovered the greatest hostel I've ever during walking randomly. (Come on, I've only been to one hotel and one hostel but I really loved this place.)
Here is the link below for you guys if you want to check up,
What on the earth can stop me to walk more now ?
I can easily see this bridge from hostel and heading myself right there.
Traveling for me just doesn't mean to walk on the streets randomly or visit museums. But also educating yourself during on your trip and this photo stills makes me want to read that book again I already finished reading that.
If you see those wall paintings then you're on the right way. There's a small place on the bridge you can drink hot drinks, alcohol even a free chacha with a small glass.
It would be the best part of my life If you were my girlfriend. It doesn't also remind you Avatar ?
I see boats going on the river. It's attraction for tourists but I prefer to walk till I can't more.
Come'n, without me you can imagine fun ? Let's dance together.
I was just walking on my way and I saw "Georgian National Museum". It's time to get inside a museum now.
Nope, there's no regret to visit !
No need to mention about ticket price.
Well my body warns me that it needs some rest. I didn't sleep well on the bus. Go to hostel.
Where I slept encourages me walk more tonight and see how a pointfull decision it is. Per night is 20 Lari. It's even for me suitable.
By the way I almost forgot to mention hostel where I stayed is located one step forward to "Bridge of Peace".
The city is enough lighted.
Youngs play a song that I don't get any single word of it.
You should make some time for yourself to walk around alone. Just listening your favorite songs on the streets and thinking nothing but watching locals.
Nothing can take this moment back so why I'm worried about unnecessary things ? I loved having a great time with only duchess and peanut. You see, you can buy happiness with only paying 5.30 Lari if you catch your own sincere smile on your face.
Second Day
Don't expect anything for today. My bus leaves at 17:00 pm and I've only a few hours.
You want to have breakfast and taste khachapuri ? Erekli II Street is right place for you. As I learned from waitress that names is taken by a king.
Didn't I mention that, you can taste some of the best wines in Georgia ? Yes I didn't, because I promised myself not drink this year :(
Give yourself a try !
You can search this as "Sameba Cathedral" on Google but I already named it differently... What ! I already forgot it maybe I 've never named it, what's going wrong with my mind ?
It's something you can see when you're top of somewhere.
I don't even care how the weather it is or I don't have a friend to take my photos or just speak. Because why ? first time I witnessed a funeral in a church. It makes me feel sick a little that I saw that man's face. I hope pray works for him.
Ahh I'm fastly getting older every single minute than others.

My dear reader, visitor whoever you are (except boots) I only want you to notice that I'm already senior at university and really so busy with unncesseary f*cking lectures.
I write these blogs to make my memories fresh and share my experience with you.
I know that pretty well I'm not getting this serious because it's not what I'm looking for.
But I take you attention that, being a helpful human for others is one of my main goals in this world to reach. That's why in the future I'll try to make some time to write deeply and immerse you in my worlds ;) until that tell me I'm good at writing haha.